Limited Season Passes at Caldwell Go on Sale Tuesday Morning


Caldwell County has announced that around 700 fans will be allowed to attend Friday night’s home football opener against Crittenden County at Tiger Stadium in Princeton.

Tickets will go on sale at 7 a.m. Tuesday morning in front of the high school. Only season passes will be sold.

No individual game tickets will be sold at this time and no coaches, employees or senior citizen passes of any kind will be accepted at the gate.

Season passes will be sold on first-come, first-served basis.

Of the 700 tickets available for football, 120 will go to Crittenden County.

Caldwell will have between 300-400 tickets to sell to the public after parents of football players have purchased their tickets.

Soccer and volleyball season passes will also be available Tuesday morning.

Cost is $30 for football, $35 for volleyball, $30 for girls soccer and $20 for boys soccer.

Cash or check will be accepted.

No refunds or returns will be offered in the event of rainouts or if the season is cancelled.

This plan is in consideration of the health, safety and well-being of our athletes, coaches, essential support staff and fans. It is our desire to comply with KHSAA, NFHS and CDC guidelines so that fall sport athletes be allowed to participate in competitive games.

Caldwell County High School has also announced the following guidelines for attending athletic events at its faciities:



A check-in process that complies with the safety guidelines recommended by the CDC will be followed:

Attendees are asked to do a self-evaluation prior to arrival.

Temperatures will be taken in vehicles before entering the facility for football. At soccer and volleyball, they will be taken at the gate. Anyone reading 100.4 or higher will not be admitted.

ALL students, 8th grade and under, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No student drop-offs will be permitted.

Face coverings will be required to enter the facility and will be worn properly at all times.

Anyone that refuses to have their temperature checked or fails to comply with the mask requirement will be asked to leave the facility.


Facilities will be thoroughly cleaned prior to events taking place.

Custodial staff will sanitize high traffic areas periodically during athletic events.

Hand sanitizing stations will be placed near entries.

KHSAA guidelines for athletes will be followed by home and visiting teams.



In bleacher seating, family units and those that travel to the contest in the same vehicle shall sit together while the entire group maintains 6 foot social distancing from any other family or traveling group.

All fans must remain at their seat.

Social distancing of at least 6 feet shall be maintained at all times when feasible.

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