John Calipari Urges Louisville to “stay with” Kenny Payne


Coaches John Calipari and Kenny Payne embraced after UK’s 19-point win Thursday night. (Vicky Graff Photo)

It was no surprise that Kentucky coach John Calipari probably talked more about Louisville coach Kenny Payne than any of his own players after UK’s 95-76 win over Louisville Thursday night

“I feel for him, but he’s going to be fine. It’s just a matter of time. I watch the games,” Caipari said.

The Kentucky coach admitted his former assistant coach was “like a brother” to him and urged Louisville to “stay with him” despite Louisville only winning four games in Payne’s first season and having another losing record with just five wins so far this season.

“They lost to Texas by a point. Easily could have won,” Calipari said. “Had Virginia Tech on the road and had a chance to win. Indiana, could have easily won the game.

“They lost a couple they should have won but we did, too (against UNC-Wilmington). He has a really young team and you have got to let him do what he does. Players love him. They never let go of the rope.”

Calipari pointed out that Louisville outscored UK by one point in the second half after trailing by 20 at halftime.

“We went through it a couple years ago (when UK finished 9-16). People get mean and nasty,” Calipari said.

Louisville fans are not happy with coach Kenny Payne. (Vicky Graff Photo)

The UK coach said he often texts Payne to just coach his team and that other stuff does not matter. However, Louisville fans think it does matter. Fans are staying away from games and more UK fans were in the Yum Center Thursday night for this game than ever before. There were even Louisville fans with bags over their heads protesting the job Payne is doing.

“My guess is in a year he will have the program where everybody wants. Growing pains are miserable,” Calipari said. “All of a sudden if you don’t shoot 30 3’s (per game) … what’s going on, the game has passed you by. What?

“I feel for him. He’s going to be fine. When players love you that much and are responding to you, it’s just a matter of time (before things get better).”

8 Responses

    1. I would love for KP to set the world on fire at Louisville🤞🤞🙏🙏. I don’t see how the Cards can be successful – any time soon – if they keep trading coaches. Great programs take time; so either you wait or you settle for less…People; BE PATIENT!!

  1. They get mean and nasty because Covid was very political and he promoted mail in voting. He’s not hired for that. Period. Win a darn championship and turn into an ambassador, let some younger guy move into your job. I’ve met a former Tubby Smith assistant at Woodland Park that knows much. I could go on and on but I won’t. I want him to win a championship but it’s extremely hard with all the parity in the game and all these guys wanted to jump to the next level after one season even with NiL. It’s a great marketing tool but you have the best going to the G League anymore. If he runs the table in the SEC that would be very impressive. And that’s the very first goal beforehand. They are predicted a 3rd place finish. I hope they read that for motivation.

  2. I would love for KP to set the world on fire at Louisville🤞🤞🙏🙏. I don’t see how the Cards can be successful – any time soon – if they keep trading coaches. Great programs take time; so either you wait or you settle for less…People; BE PATIENT!!

  3. Well, if what I read is correct, Louisville is out of money to be buying coaches out of their contracts. I Think Kenny has another year at least. You gotta give the guy a chance.

  4. Payne walked into a buzz saw and it’s still buzzing. It’s going to take 4 to 6 years to get Louisville basketball back on the map. Maybe Payne will leave after next year and make his way back to UK. Calipari is only going to stick around for 2 or 3 more years. Hopefully he won’t run the program into the ground before he leaves or we could be facing the same fate as Louisville.

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