Pope Hopes Rupp Arena Is Too Small For Club Blue Donors


Vicky Graff Photo

Kentucky had to turn about 5,000 fans away from Rupp Arena when Mark Pope had his introductory press conference as UK’s new coach. However, Pope has even higher expectations for his next major public appearance.

He’s planning an event on June 15 in conjunction with Club Blue that will give the members of the fundraising club exclusive access to his players and staff at a meet-and-greet.

“We’re holding our first meet-the-team event, it’s going to be on June 15. There will be details to come and we’re hoping we’ll have almost a completed roster by then — we should be done, if not completed,” said Pope Monday during an appearance on Kentucky Sports Radio.

“It’ll be our first opportunity to spend time with the team. We’re making a push right now for as many people in the nation that can join Club Blue, you will make a very tangible and direct impact on this program. Anyone who subscribes to Club Blue before May 15 is going to be invited.”

Club Blue is part of Kentucky basketball’s NIL and can be joined for various amounts, including the Pope $41 package at ClubBlueNIL.com. The Pope package includes entries into a monthly giveaway, a Club Blue bag, a $15 voucher for merchandise, and a Mark Pope exclusive print.

“What we’re talking about is the most important thing. This is the focal point of our whole NIL life right now. We have some amazing people that are helping to run this. There is no overhead with this program. One hundred percent of the money goes exactly where we want it to go,” Pope said during his radio appearance.

He hopes the response from BBN is so overwhelming that Rupp Arena with its 20,000-seating capacity is too small for the meet-and-greet with him and his players.

I’m hoping we have to move into the football stadium, that would be my goal,” the Kentucky coach said. “Maybe we do it at the fairgrounds. I’m hoping it has to be that big of a venue.”

Pope’s enthusiastic demeanor certainly should pay off for BBN fans who want to help UK basketball with its NIL packages for players.

“This is our team and that’s what makes this special. I hope everybody jumps on. Let’s do this together,” Pope said.

11 Responses

    That’s the best sound since

    If the UKAD had done his job, Pitino would have been offered the UK job in the same hour he resigned from Boston. UK could have demoted Tubby who said FF’s were not important and let him count the number of fans in the stands. We know he did not exert any effort to recruit.

    NOW we can once again enjoy UK BB as it was when Adolph Rupp & Joe B Hall & Rick Pitino recruited & developed players & molded them into championship teams!

    There used to be MORE seats in Rupp Arena AND in Commonwealth Stadium. That was before the AD who has absolutely zero accountability managed to reduce the capacity in both arenas multiple times AND sold out the stadium name which encompassed our entire state of Kentucky. Perhaps that was necessary to overpay a _ _ _ _ .

    1. I CAN NOT BELIEVE HOW KING CALcified screwed poor Thiero!!!

      More Grifter criminal activity!!!

          1. Reed sure was mistreated. National freshman of the year. Gonna be a lottery pick. Is that what you call mistreated in the Whineywest?

  2. He treated Adou poorly all year! There are several games that we would not have lost but he sat on the bench as Cal had to play his PETS – no madder how poorly they were playing. How could we expect anything to be different. He did it the whole time that he was at Ky. I hate it for Adou but I wish that he knew that the fans were always behind him. I hope that he thrives wherever he chooses to land. He was a great kid – one of my favorites!

  3. Reed Sheppard is a Kentucky boy, a son of a former UK national champion player.

    Reed Sheppard was the best freshman in the nation in 2024, therefore, he was the best freshman on the 2024 UK team.

    Reed Sheppard was not qualified to hold a starting position on the fraud’s team, in favor of the frauds various PETS (Players Entitled To Start).

    Reed Sheppard was mistreated at UK by the fraud, just as the fraud mistreated so many other fine players during his time at UK.

    Meritocrisy has no place on a FRAUD’S TEAM of PETS.

    Adou was also mistreated the last 2 seasons.

    All the attempts to defend the fraud fail, but keep on trying to justify your misplaced trust and support of the FRAUD.

    I still hope that SEC Network and ESPN will televise the FRAUD"S first hog call.

    1. One of the biggest crimes ever committed in the state of Kentucky was not starting Reed Sheppard. It cheated Reed, it cheated his parents, it cheated the BBN.

      The hogs called the fraud to Arkansas which sure made the entire population in the state of Kentucky delighted!

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